Studio A
Studio A offers a comfortable and spacious control room of 30 square meters. The recording space consists of a 60 sqm live room, separable into 3 rooms (15, 30, 15 sqm) maintaining full visibility across the studio. If needed, further booths can be erected to enable live tracking with minimal bleed. A separate 6 sqm small room is also available as recording space.
Studio A an ideal recording environment for tracking pop, rock, jazz groups live in studio. The space can also facilitate recording string quartets, chamber orchestras, string or brass sections, big bands, smaller choirs, etc.
A Bösendorfer Imperial grand piano is available in the live room, as well as a Hammond B-3 electric organ with a Leslie cabinet. Also available is a MESA Boogie guitar combo, a Marshall CL-5 tube amp, a Fender Hot Rod Deville combo and a Marshall 4×12 speaker cabinet.

Samples of Studio A
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