Tom-Tom Studio is the most versatile sound studio in Hungary
Our expertise covers all genres and types of sound
recording. From producing rock, pop and jazz music to conducting
orchestral recordings – be it a chamber orchestra or a full
symphony and choir -, from commercial voice-over and ADR
recordings to movie post-production, our highly qualified,
open-minded and innovative staff ensure the highest quality
of sound recordings made at our studios.
Our four studio rooms, offer a variety of spaces to record at
and have excellent acoustics as well as state-of-the-art
digital audio systems.
Since the foundation of Tom-Tom Studio in 1984 we have
developed the enterprise giving the best of our efforts and
expertise – and so we have built up our fame amongst the
artists, producers, production companies, world-famous
composers we had the honor to work with.

We offer a wide range of services in the world of sound
– with state-of-the-art studios and professional staff.

ADR, Post production

Film score